Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Be That Word Our Sign Of Parting...

Since I haven't let forth a good full-frontal simper in some time, well why the hell not now. I've never gone on anyone's blog and trashed the joint, or troll'd unto the high heavens, or used language unsuitable for prime time. I suppose the worst that can be said of me is that the different drummer approach doesn't sit well with some folken and they'll dismiss a "howdy" off to the nether regions of cyber space, and that's cool because it's their joint. I've mistakenly deleted comments here, blogger used to frig with them on a regular basis, but since haloscan arrived people can pretty much stop by and offer whatever's on their little minds. I enjoy even the one's I don't understand. Meant someone took the time, and agree, disagree, or shrug it off, input can be refreshing.

But I guess the big timers cannot long stand for an offering not of their own persuasion. There are people whose work I've monitored wherever I was in the world at the time. I remember peeking in to Moxie's place, for example, while I was away in Australia or Indonesia, or New Zealand, Borneo, you name it. She's been at it for 6 years, and while my traveling days have been severely curtailed...I do not run as fast nor traverse a jungle clime as readily...I still ring the cyber bell to see what the gal has been up to. 6 years of stopping by. There's a modicum of faithful, hale, well-met fellowship in frequenting an establishment for that long. Any establishment. Something to be said for regular customers.

No longer, and as our French allies so aptly put it, say la vee. My comments go to the "Owner must have a look-see, first" file, then get discarded without seeing the light of day, and since I remain in my heart of hearts a good customer I can't help but applaud someone who has the class to kick me out of her club. The link to this oasis of esoterica remains there, but as is the case with my paltry linkerings it's most likely because adding and removing doesn't happen overnight. And it would not be anything close to summoning discountenance should said link disappear for as I've said, to each their own. Old dog and new tricks can be a daunting combo, so I'll probably continue to stop by, and what the heck, as long as a person tickles one's wherewithalls who really cares if the joint has become too fancy to include an old Marine.

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