Wednesday, October 25, 2006

NBA Commissioner Joins The Anti-Gun Lobby...

NEW YORK (AP) -- "David Stern understands having a gun to protect your home. He's not convinced carrying one on the streets makes you any safer.

For that reason, the NBA commissioner said Wednesday that he would prefer his players leave their firearms behind when they go out.

"It's a pretty, I think, widely accepted statistic that if you carry a gun, your chances of being shot by one increase dramatically," Stern said during his preseason conference call. "We think this is an alarming subject, that although you'll read players saying how they feel safer with guns, in fact those guns actually make them less safe. And it's a real issue."

Wowsers. 4 million licensed concealed weapon carriers in the country, and the number who get shot is so miniscule as to be meaningless. Two and a half MILLION times a year the average citizen uses a firearm to stop a crime, and the Commish thinks that to be alarming as well one must suppose.

This man is either a complete idiot, or a gun-grabbing son of a bitch.

What's that? Both, you say?

I stand corrected. Then again, look at the players in his league. Who wouldn't be fearful of permitting these animals firearms...

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