Tuesday, October 10, 2006

NYPD Tries It's Hand At Profiling...And The Cops Immediately Run To The Media...

"Five cops who heard an NYPD captain give a controversial order told the Daily News yesterday the message was crystal clear: Stop and frisk every black man at a robbery-plagued Brooklyn subway station.

"The captain said the descriptions of the [suspects] vary a lot, so we were to stop all black males at the station, stop and frisk them because 'they have no reason being there,'" said one white officer who was outraged by the command.

...But Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said Vanchieri has denied making any inappropriate comments, claiming any discussion of race was part of a broader description of the suspects.

"He gave a description of those individuals and asked if anybody sees them, if anyone matched that description, to stop and speak to them," Kelly said.

Kelly noted that the NYPD is the only major police department in the country to ban profiling."

This is what happens when police departments become so politically correct as to enter the realm of absurd sci-fi fantasy. Black men are committing crimes, but to frisk black men would be profilling and the NYPD is the only big city department that refuses to profile least the liberals scream to the high heavens.

Their guns have triggers twice as hard to squeeze as my identical "civilian" version because proficiency means practice and since only bad shots are asked to practice more, this unfairly singles out women and limp-wristed men. As there is no onus on being unable to use a weapon the next best thing is to make the weapon hard to shoot so accidental discharges don't happen as often. Even the very bullets in their guns are specific to the NYPD lest they cause undo harm. And if black men are robbing, raping, and murdering people, don't dare focus upon them because that would be the ultimate of liberal sins in JUDGING someone. They can't shoot, some of them are so obese they can barely walk, must be gathered together in larger numbers than any other department on earth for comparable tasks because of their ineptness, and cannot profile a person most likely to engage in criminal acts.

Is it any wonder the moslems chose THIS town to destroy? Can you even begin to imagine how difficult this makes it for the Feds to keep our biggest city safe?

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